Thursday, August 22, 2013


It’s been so long since I’ve actually sat down to write that it feels like everything I have to say is sort of old news, but here’s what’s happening:

Work has been full-on. We haven’t had any holidays since June, and we won’t have any more coming up until a three day weekend in October. The orchestras are doing one last push towards the end of their seasons in December, but since everything has to be done in advance it seems like it’s all happening in July/August. I’ve basically taken over editing all of the artist biographies for the orchestras (which I really enjoy), but everyone seems to be performing massive vocal works so instead of editing one little conductor biography I end up doing 8 for each soloist singing in Verdi’s Requiem, plus chorus, plus conductor, blah blah blah.  

I’ve spent the last few weekends getting moved into the new apartment. I really like the place so far, and aside from a foot-long clump of hair and soap scum Hayden pulled from the shower drain the place seems really nice. Of course there is no way to get around the fact that moving is a huge pain, and I really dread spending every Saturday going to Kmart or Bunnings (equivalent of Home Depot) to get the things I need but forgot I need. It looks like it will be another couple of weeks before I can take a weekend away.

Anyways, sorry for the grumpy post but it’s just been a little rough lately. My two-year anniversary of being in Australia is in two days, and I’m not really sure how I feel about it. I feel like I've  accomplished everything I wanted to here, but I’m not really in a position where I can just up and move back. I miss everyone so much (it doesn't really get any easier as time goes by), and I actually miss America- the country itself, being in it, and witnessing first hand all the crazy stuff that happens there. The Australian elections are coming up, and there is only one month of debates plus some weak attack ads on TV. Not a single candidate has even talked about “legitimate rape” or socialism or Jesus... it’s kind of boring.