Thursday, December 8, 2011


I've been getting a little antsy since I haven't really been doing anything music-ish lately and my trumpet isn't here with me in Oz. Luckily the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs needed people to sing in the chorus for Messiah this month. Specifically they needed sopranos. So this alto decided to pose as a soprano and give it a go.

I've been rehearsing about once per week for the last couple of months, and we had dress rehearsals pretty much every night this last week. I really like my free time, but it's been nice having structure and places that I HAVE to be at certain times with the threat of consequences if I don't show up. I'm definitely on the younger end of people who are doing this-for some reason, a three hour long baroque oratorio doesn't appeal too much to some crowds. But the music is really beautiful and it's so much better when you know it really well and can anticipate what is going to happen next. Handel wrote the entire Messiah in twenty or so days. This is incomprehensible to me, and the best I can hope for is stretches of moderate productivity fit in between TV/Facebook/blog posts etc.

Opening night was last night and I think it went really well! The oboist was struggling a bit, bringing back memories of 7th grade and my brief and tragic oboe career. The chorus is singing it from memory, which actually was not as hard as I expected. The only song I need to review is "Amen". That's a five minute song with one lyric: Amen. Not easy. I'll try and sneak a few pictures from inside the opera house on Saturday to post.


  1. Hahahaha remember when we wrote songs for Reflections? I remember, vividly, a song I wrote called "Slithering Snakes, You Better Watch Out!" It was really sinister.

  2. That is so precious!! Clearly you were a musical prodigy from a young age.
